At the Oregon Logging Conference

Since its inception in 1939, the Oregon Logging Conference has advanced the forestry industry and forwarded the development of the people working within it. 

The Oregon Logging Conference hosts numerous panel discussions, educational seminars, and hands-on training opportunities, helping forestry professionals stay current with cutting-edge equipment and techniques within their field while networking with peers and earning professional logger credits. In fact, it’s possible to earn up to ten professional logger credits in just two days when attending the program and seminar sessions.


The show also hosts manufacturers and dealers from around the world, as they display the latest, greatest and biggest technology and equipment on the market. This year the show has expanded its indoor expo to feature antique log trucks, giving attendees the opportunity to see just how much forestry machinery has advanced over the years.

The theme of this year's conference is “reaching new heights with forest products,” and we will be there with our Alliance and Primex tires to help you reach those heights. Stop by and visit us this year at booth #S232, check out our great line-up of rugged and dependable forestry tires, and find out how they can help take your business to the next level. Products like the Primex LogMonster—which was created for working in harsh terrain while handling heavy loads—or the Primex LogStomper Super Floatation—which was engineered to operate in the remotest and most difficult-to-access areas of the forest, all while minimizing damage to sensitive soils on the forest floor—will help you increase the efficiency and productivity of your operation.

Learn More About the Primex Log Monster and Log Stomper

If not to only to see the tires that help carry some of the largest, most advanced, and coolest equipment in forestry, at least stop by our booth and find out how we're advancing tire technology to keep up with the increasing size, power, and demands of today’s logging machinery. Even more importantly, find out how the right tire can increase productivity, lower fuel consumption, and make you more profitable. We’ll see you there!