Tips for Safer Construction Sites
Construction sites are inherently dangerous places with materials everywhere, heavy machinery in use, structures in various states of assembly (or demolition), and numerous other hazards that quietly threaten personnel at all times. While it’s impossible to remove all of the potential dangers from the work site, recent reports show that contractors who prioritize safety see greater project ROI, have better employee retention rates, and attract new hires more easily.
What follows are some simple steps that construction managers can take toward creating a safer construction sites.

The Morning Safety Meeting
By spending a few minutes first thing in the morning with your team, you can inform them of the day’s plan, speak to any potential hazards, and plant the safety seed early in the day. Furthermore, morning safety meetings do more than encourage a safe worksite; by getting everyone on the same page, they encourage more productive construction sites as well.
The safest construction sites are ones where the employees and operators are aware of and talking about safety throughout the day. Managers should encourage employees to notify them of any potential safety issues and should foster an attitude of each employee looking out for the well-being of the others. Developing a safety plan and a procedure detailing who’s in charge, potential site hazards, site rules, and implementing strict site sign-on and off is another way to improve site safety.
Organized and Clean
An orderly work site promotes a feeling of safety and lessens the chances of an accident. Develop a cleanup plan to remove debris, clean up trash, put unused materials and tools away, and remove any potentially dangerous obstacles at the end of each day. By doing this, you’ll reinforce the importance of site safety to your workers and ensure that you start the next day off on the right path. Furthermore, cleaning up daily and properly storing materials creates a more productive and orderly site.
Protective Equipment
It sounds simple, but wearing the proper safety equipment helps to keep everyone aware of the potential hazards of a construction site. Helmets, reflective wear, and safety goggles all serve as both protection measures and visual reminders of the safety-first culture your business is looking to build. Lead from the front and make sure managers and site visitors, in addition to workers, are properly attired before entering the site.
By devoting a few minutes a day to the safety of your workers, your construction business can have happier more engaged employees, pick from a better pool of candidates when it’s time to hire, and increase your profitability.
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