Forestry Facts

The forests of the United States are a valuable resource for many reasons: they provide a home for the country's wildlife, they offer recreational opportunities to the people, they drive tourism and visitation, and they create products and jobs that have become essential to our everyday life. It’s easy to overlook the importance of the country's forests while driving past them on the way to work, or get lost in thought while hiking through one on the weekend, but our forests are an integral part of our lives. Thanks to careful management, the U.S. has been able to reap the economic rewards of healthy forests, while simultaneously preserving the forests for the next generation.


U.S. Forests

  • The U.S. contains 5% of the world’s forests
  • Forests cover 750 million acres in the U.S.
  • Despite a 143% increase in population, the U.S. has roughly the same area of forestland it did in 1920
  • 1.5 billion trees are planted every year in the U.S.—that’s more than 5 seedlings for every American and 2,000 seedlings for every bear
  • Alaska has the most national forest land, with 21.9 million acres  
  • Tongass National Forest in Alaska is the largest national forest, with 16,576,303 acres

U.S. Forest Production

  • The U.S. produces 11.2 billion cubic feet of industrial roundwood (lumber, pulp products, plywood, and veneer) per year
  • The volume of wood in U.S. forests is roughly 25% greater today than it was 40 years ago
  • Oregon is the largest lumber-producing state, accounting for 18% of total U.S. softwood production
  • Out of Oregon’s 63 million acres, over 30 million of them are forestland

U.S. Forest Business

  • U.S. forestry and forestry-related businesses employ approximately 890,000 people
  • Industrial shipment of wood and the paper manufacturing industry are worth 240 billion dollars
  • With 26 billion dollars in revenue, International Paper is not only the largest FPP (forest, paper, and packaging) company in the U.S. but in the world
  • In 2014, the U.S. exported 9.7 billion dollars worth of forest products
  • China represents 28% (worth 2.7 billion dollars) of exported U.S. forest products
  • In 2014, the U.S. exported 3.8 million metric tons of wood pellets (97% of that went to the European Union)

Learn More About the Primex Log Monster and Log Stomper

With a reputation for high performance and exceptional durability, Primex tires are the first choice of loggers concerned with maximizing their operations. As forestry machinery gets larger, more powerful, and more advanced, we've been keeping pace with innovative new tires, treads, and designs meant to handle the increased demands. For example, the Primex LogStomper Super Flotation HF-4 is built to handle today’s most advanced machines, enable those machines to operate in the most challenging terrain, and minimize the damage to delicate soils on the forest floor, making sure we have healthy forests for years to come.