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Youth and Technology Are Keys to Farming's Future

Written by Barry Clifford | Apr 17, 2015 12:30:00 PM

Looking to Farming's Future 

Two themes emerged in this week's agricultural news - getting young people involved and the role that technology has and will play in farming's future. We believe these two topics are inter-connected and invite you to read this week's "Super Six" to learn more.

If you think farming technology has come a long way in the past 100 years, and it has, we can't imagine what will take place in the next 10 to 20 years alone. The young people of today will be at the forefront of this revolution, thanks in large part to organizations such as 4-H and FFA. We've had the opportunity to meet several of these youth through our fundraising programs at NTPA tractor pull events; we believe our future is in good hands!

On a related note, it was not that long ago that farmers knew little about the consequences of soil compaction on their crop yields. Today, we know that soil compaction is an invisible epidemic sapping profits from millions of acres of American farmland. Check out our free white paper on soil compaction and be at the forefront of the latest research regarding this important topic.